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Evergreen Region Volleyball Association
U12 Girls
2024 Results
4-20-2024 | ERVA Regionals U12
4/13/2024 | INK U12
3-23-2024 | Bloom & Boom U12
3-16-2024 | Game of Heart U12
3-16-2024 | Battle by the Lake U12
3-9-3-10-2024 | NW Junior Jamboree U12
3-2-2024 | Palouse Party U12
2-24-2024 | OTown Friends & Fun U12
2-24-2024 | Sideout Classic U12
2-17-2-18-2024 | Region Rumble U12
2-17-2024 | MidState Classic U12
2-11-2024 | Fire & Rain U12
2-3-2024 | Tri-Cities Meltdown U12
2-3-2024 | SpikeStorm U12
1-28-2024 | Applebowl U12
1-21-24 | Match Madness U12
1-20-24 | Yak Attack U12
1-20-2024 | Winter Storm U12
1-14-24 | Hawn Trimm U12
1-14-2024 | Crushin the Coulee
1-13-24 | Winter Warm Up U12
1-6-24 | Lights Out U12
2023 Results
1-8-23 | Block & Awe U12
1-14-23 | U12 Hawn Trimm Memorial
1-21-23 | U12 Lights Out
1-28-23 | U12 Tri-Cities Meltdown
1-29-23 | U12 Applebowl
2-5-2023 | U12 Battle by the Lake
2-5-2023 | U12 Sandpoint Showdown
2-11-23 | U12 Fire & Rain
2-11-23 | U12 Ace of Hearts
2-18-2023 | U12 Mid State Classic
2-18-23 | U12 SRJ Classic
2-25-23 | U12 OTown Tourney
2-25-2023 | U12 Sideout Classic
3-4-23 | U12 Palouse Party
3-4-23 | U12 Stars & Spikes
3-12-23 | U12 NW Jr Jamboree
3-18-2023 | U12 Game of Heart
4-15-2023 | U12 INK
4-21-2023 | U12 ERVA Regional Championships
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